Become an affiliated club with our organization

posted 3rd June 2023
Join our growing organization by becoming an affiliated club.
Mental health is growing in our communities and in our sporting arena's. We are an organization that supports people in sports of all ages and genders that may experience poor mental health. More importantly in young people, as research shows that poor mental health generally starts at a young age and if the sports person is not supported at the time of the trauma or experience then it could develop into more deep-rooted mental health conditions.
The benefits that your club will gain by becoming affiliated with our sports mental health organization
• Increase your chances of funding or grants.
• Increase your chances of sponsorship.
• an increase in the reputation of your brand/club.
• Better standing within the community.
• You will get an increase when it comes to fundraising, the feedback we have had is there was roughly a 42% increase in fundraising this year as apposed to last year after being affiliated with our organization, even though we are in a cost of living crises.
• You will receive our logo exclusively, to make parents/guardians and players aware of our affiliation.
• we will proactively support any application for grants/funding or sponsorship.
• Advertisement through our news feed if requested.
• On going support from one of our trained members of staff should one of your players or management encounter any difficulties psychologically.
What we would require
• Affordable Annual membership fee
• One of your club members will need to attend a sports mental health 1st aid workshop.